
San Diego 午後8時




International Policy & Securityのレポートお題は以下のよう。一緒に考えましょう。

“September 11th has made realism’s focus on great powers (as the main actors in the international system), and the importance of balancing (to deter aggression) obsolete.”

In no more than 7 pages, discuss this statement. Do you agree with some of it? All of it? Why or why not? Give examples from the readings and class discussions to support your argument.

Your paper should be no more than 7 pages, double-spaced, using at least 11 pt. type and one inch margins on all sides. If you quote or paraphrase, you must cite the source. Citations from the required reading need only give the author name and page. Other citations must give all the usual information. Make sure you number the pages.

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